A dead woman`s a strange thing
Video premiered at LUSO, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Paris, 2019*
A dead woman`s a strange thing
How does a dead body feel like? What to do with it? To bury, to burn it, to conserve it, to let it be? To forget, to remember it? What`s inevitable and what`s possible? What constitutes death? Would death be defined as opposed to life? What constitutes life? A living woman`s a strange thing.
A dead woman`s a strange thing (Une femme mort est une chose étrange)
Comment se sent un cadavre? Que faire avec lui? Pour l`enterrer, le brûler, le conserver, le laisser être? L’oublier, se souvenir? Qu`est-ce qui est inévitable et ce qui est possible? Qu`est-ce qui constitue la mort? La mort serait-elle définie par opposition à la vie? Qu`est-ce qui constitue la vie? Une femme vivant est une chose étrange.
*A dead woman`s a strange thing, 2019, Video, Variable dimensions, 20``
Concept: Vera Sofia Mota
Collaboration: Ana Rita Manuel
Recording, Editing: Ana Rita Manuel & Vera Sofia Mota
Many thanks to: Ana Rita Manuel, Ana Trincão, Mariana Amorim, João Baalman
*Video Stills. Video: Ana Rita Manuel & Vera Sofia Mota.