Love Series
Vera Sofia Mota
Unfold Nan Hoover (2018; 2022)
Movement Dissolves: Composition with Red and Shadow @(2021)
Walking (2021)
How could artists practice love with institutions, @and vice-versa? (2020)
How could artists practice love with institutions, and vice-versa? (2020)
Emergent Compositions I Workshop (2019)
A dead woman`s a strange thing (2019)
Multiplicity in Practice: Emergent Compositions (2018)
Love is not Art (2017)
Untitled (Unfold, Nan Hoover) (2015-2020)
Modern Love II (work-in-progress)
Multiplicity in Practice: Emergence, Series, Variations (2016)
Incredible love (2016)
Multiplicity in Practice: Emergent Compositions I Workshop (2016)
We are alone with everything we love (2015)
Twilight (2013-2016)
Multiplicity in Practice: Emergent Compositions (2015)
Modern Love (2015)
Ongoing Dramaturgies (2014)
Fake Love(r) (2015)
Interview: Artist and Software Developer Meet
Second love II (2014)
Ongoing Dramaturgies (2014)
Third Lover (2013)
Exercises in Fiction: Crossing Performative and Narrative Practices (2013)
We seek everywhere what is beyond things,@but what we ever find are only things@ (2013)
Second love I (2012)
Não (,) há amor (.) como (–) o primeiro
Me and We: Solo and Group Collaborations (2012)
Time and Action: Performance in Processes @of Composition and Research @(2012)
It`s that a world all alive has the strength of a Hell (2010)
There is no love like the first (2009)
There`s always a chord I miss (2008)
The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ According to Matthew the Evangelist (2008)
© Vera Sofia Mota 2024